Lent and Prayer

As we embark on another Lenten season, we are called to reflect upon the profound journey of Jesus in the desert, a period of forty days and forty nights marked by spiritual testing and temptation. During this time, Jesus demonstrated an unwavering commitment to the truth of God's Word, resisting the allure of worldly desires and affirming His devotion to the Father.

In the Gospel accounts, we witness Jesus confronting each temptation with the resolute declaration, "It is written." Through His example, we learn the power of Scripture to guide and fortify us in the face of adversity. Just as Jesus knew the Father intimately, so too are we invited to deepen our relationship with God through prayer, meditation, and study of His Word.

The Apostle Paul, in his letter to Timothy, echoes this sentiment, urging us to cling to the truth amidst a world rife with deception and false teachings. Paul's urging to "have nothing to do with godless myths" resonates deeply in our current cultural landscape, where the allure of instant gratification and self-reliance often obscures the path of righteousness.

Just as athletes train their bodies for endurance, those who run the race of faith understand the process of growth. Like building muscle, developing godliness requires persistence and dedication. Through spiritual training, we cultivate self-control and adapt to a life centered on Jesus. Despite occasional stumbles, this discipline enables us to bounce back stronger, guided by a rhythm of faith that sustains us through life's challenges.

Lent, therefore, becomes a season of intentional training in godliness, a spiritual discipline akin to physical exercise. Through prayer, fasting, and acts of service, we strengthen our spiritual muscles, forging a deeper connection with our Saviour.

In our church community, we're blessed with the opportunity to engage in a ‘core’ discipline of prayer through the prayer labyrinth to be constructed by David Rietveld and his team. This labyrinth invites us to walk a path of contemplation, pausing along the way to commune with God and reflect on His presence in our lives.

As we journey through the labyrinth, we're reminded of the importance of prayer as a gift from God, grounding us in His love and truth. It's a tangible reminder that we're not alone in our struggles, but rather cherished and valued by our Creator.

Rev. Matt Goodman


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