The World is Going Crazy!

What in the world is happening? Catholic Pope Francis is sacking the American Cardinal Raymond Burke. Burke is critical of Pope Francis, saying he is moving the church away from its core teachings on divorce, contraception, homosexuality and gender.

The Netherlands has long been at the forefront of social progressivism on such issues. They just voted for a right-wing social conservative Prime Minister. What is going on?

In short, there are two visions of culture and society. The Pope is on the left, believing the way forward is to be inclusive, accepting, and compassionate to all. Among these values sits assumptions about the importance of individuals, within the fraternity of all humanity.

By contrast, the right is also concerned about individualism, but these individuals have the right to choose to find and express their identity within a nation-state. Geert Wilders is arguing for a Netherlands that is for the Dutch, not Muslims or migrants. It’s OK to be compassionate and hospitable, but not in ways that undo the fabric of the host culture.

There are Christian (and Evangelical) versions of the above left and right positions. Cardinal Burke is arguing for a Catholicism that is compassionate, but retains and stands up for its core distinctive teachings.

Going further, Stephen Wolfe has a bestselling book entitled The Case for Christian Nationalism. He argues that America is a Christian nation, and that it should remain homogenously Western Christian with a state that is anti-abortion, anti-social progressivism. Don’t you want your grandchildren to grow up in a place where cultural values align with biblical values – aren’t they the best for our families and our nation?

Rev. David Rietveld


Christmas Here, And War Over There


The News of War